The Investor Farmer How It Works Page    




We use investors money to purchase the large parcels of farmland, labor, equipment and supplies, As we do not have the large amount of funds, required to purchase these things on our own. Then we process and market the resulting products to the best of our ability. From the sales of our products we pay all outstanding bills, salaries and labor, taxes, operating expenses, and put back 10% of this audited amount as start off expenses for the coming year, and 10% as an unexpected contingency fund. The remainder of the yearly profits to be distributed among the investors according to the amount and time of their investment. In the unlikely event of liquidation the real and tangible company assets will be dispersed in the same manner of according to the amount and time of investment.
All bookkeeping is figured, based on a 365 day year; with all returns {ROI} figured daily.
{ROI} = Return on Investment ROI Information

Information of Interest;
Important Disclosures;

Historical data is not indicative of future results and may not reflect costs and expenditures which may reduce actual returns. Any historical information is illustrative in nature and may not represent future results, therefore any investor investing through the CEIBA RIVER LIMITED CORPORATION platform may experience different returns from examples and projections provided on the website, spreadsheets, or pro-forma tables. You should not make investment decisions based solely on the information and charts contained in this website, it is suggested that you (use your own common sense, do your own due diligence, then be sure of your own interest).

The information contained on this CEIBA RIVER LIMITED CORPORATION website, or any sub-domain of the ("Website") or other domains owned and used by the (CORPORATION) does not constitute an offer for, or a solicitation of interest in any securities of any type, offering by CEIBA RIVER LIMITED CORPORATION wherein is; that investors can privately invest in agriculture and real estate investment opportunities, put forth by the ( CORPORATION).
A partial list of domains, sub-domains that make up the ("Website"), are available here
No money or other consideration is hereby being solicited, or sought after, and consideration will not be accepted other than what is expressed in this potential investor information platform, and provided with the applicable offering information. The information and services contained in this Website are meant only for investors who are financially capable, and who understand and acknowledge the risks associated with private investments, Agriculture, Markets, Weather.
All prospective investors must acknowledge that they have received and read all investment terms and conditions. CEIBA RIVER LIMITED CORPORATION does not make any recommendations regarding the appropriateness of particular opportunities for any securities investments or endorse any such opportunities. All investment opportunities listed by CEIBA RIVER LIMITED CORPORATION are "private placements" which are not publicly traded and are subject to restrictions on transfer. As such, they are not suitable for investors who need or are expecting a short-term investment. CEIBA RIVER LIMITED CORPORATION does not give or offer any business advice, investment advice, tax or legal advice to anyone using this Website. Use of this Website is not an offer by CEIBA RIVER LIMITED CORPORATION to solicit, sell or make an offer to buy or sell any investment interest or securities.

This Website, Agriculture Development Project, Corporation, and Offering is Belize Owned, Operated, and produced in Belize, and does not have anything to do with any other jurisdiction, and adheres only to Belize Law. Anyone investing in the developments is doing so on their own free will.

CEIBA RIVER LIMITED CORPORATION is a private limited entity, no stocks, bonds, securities, will be sold or issued.




{1} ~ 24,000 Acre: Commercial Agriculture & Foods Processing Development:

{2} ~ 127,000 Acre: Commercial Agriculture & Foods Processing Development:

{3} ~ 153,000 Acre: Commercial Agriculture Foods Processing & Bio ~ Fuels Development:

Row Crop Vegetables


Ranching Beef and Dairy


  Oil Palm

  Dragon Fruit



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